TearUp Reservations / Registration

Sites designated for the TearUp this year are from site 200-280.

It is important that you try to book within this range to ensure we keep the group together rather than being widely spread out as was the case last year!

IMPORTANT! If you want to be close to others, you should try to book an available site as close to the middle of the campsite range as possible! This prevents the group from being too spread out in case we don't need all campsites in the 180-290 range. In 2013 we had several campers at the ends who we separated from the rest of the group and had a long walk to meet up with other campers.

The nearest washrooms are located across from sites 176, 186, 204, 223, 243, 260, 276, and 298.

You can check out all the details of any site, along with lots of photos of each site by visiting the Campsite Photos database.

The official dates are June 13-17, 2019. Most campers will likely book 3 or 4 nights. Last year several campers added additional nights on either end. See the List of Participants for exact dates campers will be attending.

Don't have a teardrop? No worry! If you are a teardrop enthusiastic like us, or just want to meet some fun campers then feel free to join us!

Step 1: Reserve a Campsite

Reservations can be made by booking online or by phone.

Booking online at Reserve America

You can make your reservations by phone by calling Reserve America for New York State Campgrounds at 1-800-456-2267.

Step 2: Register Here!

IMPORTANT! Once you have booked your site with Reserve America, visit the Register function to enter your dates, site number and equipment so we know you are coming! If you don't already have a login, a Register on Forum link will appear allowing you to register as a member on the TearUp forum first. Onced logged on you can then retry the Register function to register for the event.